The CX season starts in earnest with great results for Shaftesbury riders!

With round 3 of the Eastern Cyclocross league taking place this weekend, there were 8 Shaftesbury riders in action, across a variety of age categories. Olly Beale finshed 3rd in the seniors race, taking the junior event win (aged just 16) with his sister Isabel finishing 5th in the mixed youth race. Lochlan Dyer rode to a very solid 14th in the seniors race (again whilst still a junior) with team Barlow (Fred, Philip and Will) follwoing in quick sucession shortly afterwards. Elsewhere Harvery Robinson finished 5th in a huge field of under 10s and Gary Charles competed in his first ever CX race in the masters category (finsihing despite a nasty crash near the end.
Oliver and Isabel currently lead the series in their respective categories and Harvey sits in 4th with 6 round to go. The next race will take place on September 29th at Welwyn where all 3 will be riding again, hoping to improve their overall points position.
Photo credit to Honorelliot on Instagram.